Stock Photography and Meditation


A businesswoman meditates in a busy city crosswalk to reduce stress and relax.

Meditation is the practice of training one’s mind to achieve a desired mental state the purpose of which varies from individual to individual and includes such goals as bliss, stress reduction, pain reduction, spirituality, compassion, and even the attainment of wealth and business success.
Meditation Images in Stock Photography
While perusing my stock photo sales (which includes the sales of my “associate photographers”) a couple of meditation images caught my eye. Two meditating images are in our top 100 selling images in the Blend Images collection (contributing photographers to Blend Images can view online reports such as the top 100 images over the past year, quarter, month, and so forth as well being able to view continuously updated sales information). Having two meditation images in the group of top 100 selling images for our total history with Blend is very interesting. I reviewed all of the meditation images in our collection: Following is a synopsis of the kinds of images that I, and my small band of merry contributors (well…not always merry) have shot over the last five or six years.
Dog and Cat Meditation
Included in our meditation pictures are images of both cats and dogs meditating…from a Whippet meditating in a meadow, to a cat meditating while surrounded by candles…to even an elephant meditating at sunrise (or sunset).  Hmmm, we also have an elephant meditating in a Yoga pose in a Yoga studio! These funny cat and dog meditating images lend a little needed levity to what is generally a pretty solemn subject matter!
Business Meditation Pictures
Our business meditation photos range from an African American businessman meditating on a mountain peak, to an African American woman in business attire meditating on a pile of cash (U.S. Dollars), to a woman of East Indian Descent meditating in an office. Also in our meditation collection are photos of a Thai businesswoman meditating in a Bangkok office, an ethnically diverse group of office workers meditating together on the floor, and business people meditating outdoors in front of their office buildings. Meditating in front of the computer…we have it. Meditating on a conference table…yes! And we are always adding to our business meditation photos.
Meditation and Yoga Photos
No collection of meditation photos would be complete without including Yoga into the mix. We have Yoga pose meditation (and sun worship) outdoors, and Yoga-pose meditation indoors as well. We have meditating on Yoga mats both inside and outside and meditating in Yoga class too.
Unusual Meditation Pictures
We have some pretty unusual meditation photos in our collection as well. We have meditating underwater (we put lead weights in the models bathing suite bottoms to hold her down), meditating on a busy street (in the crosswalk), and new age meditating with energy waves (Kundalini rising) emerging from the meditating people.  We even have pregnant women meditating.
Best Selling Meditation Stock Photos
I admit I was surprised to find two meditation images in the top 100 sellers (total history at Blend Images) but upon some further thought realized that there is a big contributing factor. Both images were also in a Yoga context, which of course greatly increases the market for those images. In fact, as I reflect on things, it may well be that the Yoga aspect of the images actually are what made them best-sellers. Now if I could just figure out ahead-of-time which of our hundred or so meditation/Yoga photos were going to be the best sellers then I’d be cooking! Hmmmn, maybe I should meditate on it!