All,,animal,antics,politics,political,donkey,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,s,donkeys,,New Work,,Animals,,available,,,Challenge,challenges,,,Change,changes,,,Concepts,,Determination,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Stock Photos,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Donkey-Elephant-Starting-Blocks.jpg,9703,,Animal antics,animal antics,,,Paper Product Licensable Images,
Image ID# 9703
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageRepublican vs Democrat: A democratic donkey and a republican elephant face off in the starting blocks representing political races in the United States of America in a stock photo for the ages. This funny look a political races can be used in a wide variety of ways to bring attention to election issues, politics, and political races be they Senate Races, House Elections, or the race to become the President of The United States of America. This humorous political image can be easily cropped to square or vertical from its native horizontal format while allowing ample copy space for headlines and text.
Politics in America is the subject of this humorous look at a donkey and elephant lined up in the starting blocks of a race track and ready for the starter's gun to get the competition underway. So much of politics is about winning the race, and this funny political race stock photo, if nothing else, just might bring a bit of comic relief to those of us exhausted from politics as usual.
This funny elephant and donkey photo qualifies as a political cartoon without demeaning either party. What it does is bring attention to the issues of the races themselves and the extraordinary amount of time, effort and resources that are spent on winning political seats.
All,,animal,antics,politics,political,donkey,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,s,donkeys,,New Work,,Animals,,available,,,Challenge,challenges,,,Change,changes,,,Concepts,,Determination,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Stock Photos,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Donkey-Elephant-Starting-Blocks.jpg,9703,,Animal antics,animal antics,,,Paper Product Licensable Images,