Image ID# 871
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageStock image of a road stretching into the distance beneath the clouds of a rain storm showing possibilities and the future.A long straight road with a double yellow line right down the middle. Long road picture. Stock image of a long lonely straight road stretching out under a cloudy and rainy sky into the distance. There is a double yellow line down the center of the road. Picture of flat land. Picture of a deserted road stretching out to the horizon beneath storm clouds in a concept stock photo.
This highly stylized shot of a road stretching into the distance is a great concept stock photo for illustrating themes such as freedom, the way forward, adventure, the unknown, possibilities, the future and mystery. Because there is a rain storm, additional concepts such as adversity, challenge and problems are introduced. Road images make effective stock photos because their iconic symbology is deeply ingrained in all of us. Roads speak of freedom, change, adventure and journeys. They often lead to the future, the way forward. Storm clouds, on the other hand, indicate troubled times, turbulence, change, adversity and challenge. This image is well suited for a variety of stock uses. It can be cropped as a vertical magazine cover, used square, or cropped horizontally for everything from magazine spreads to banner ads on the internet. The image also reads quickly as a thumbnail and can be effective for everything from internet advertising to use on social networking and media.