All,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,greeting,cards,antics,animal antics,,animal,,New Work,,Animal antics,animal antics,,,Animal themes,,Animals,,Bizarre,,,Cats,,Concepts,,Fantasy,fantasies,,,Fun,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Getting Away From It All,,Greeting Cards,greeting card,antics,,,Happy,happiness,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Leisure,,,Lifestyle,,Possibility,,Stock Photos,,Vacations,8551,Funny-Bikini-Cats.jpg,rpgs2017,,RPG-Summer-2017-End-Cap,,cat,bikini,sun bathing,,,Anthropomorphic,human like,,Stock Photos,stock photos,stock images,stock imagery,,cardslt,,Paper Product Licensable Images,
Image ID# 8551
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageThere is a story behind this funny image of cats wearing bikinis as they sunbathe on lounge chairs on a grassy field. In the original image The cats were only wearing one bikini top, but in this new, updated version the two tabby cats have multiple bathing suit tops on to cover all of their eight nipples each! The idea, one might say, was crowd sourced. Some unknown person downloaded the image and added the bathing suit tops and re-uploaded it to the Internet where it proliferated. Rather than rant and rave over someone stealing and altering my image, I decided to go with the flow. So I re-created the image with the multiple tops and have added it to my stock and greeting card image collection.
Cats wearing bathing suits, and with smiles on their little faces, lean back and bag rays in this funny cat photo. Both cats are professional models photographed with trainers from Bow Wow Productions. No amateurs here! While this image is available for stock photo uses, this was created primarily with funny greeting cards in mind. And who wouldn't crack a smile to see the cats not only in an anthropomorphic and hedonistic position of lounging in the sun, but also wearing multiple bikini to insure maximum modesty! The image has been created to allow ample copy space for the needs of providing headlines, body copy and taglines. The image can particularly appeal to those needing to bring attention to services and products in the pet industry, and specifically cats. I can see editorial offerings about feline cat issues to grab the attention of both cat lovers and lay people alike.
You can order this sunbathing cats image on coffee mugs, beach towels, fine art prints and more.
All,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,greeting,cards,antics,animal antics,,animal,,New Work,,Animal antics,animal antics,,,Animal themes,,Animals,,Bizarre,,,Cats,,Concepts,,Fantasy,fantasies,,,Fun,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Getting Away From It All,,Greeting Cards,greeting card,antics,,,Happy,happiness,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Leisure,,,Lifestyle,,Possibility,,Stock Photos,,Vacations,8551,Funny-Bikini-Cats.jpg,rpgs2017,,RPG-Summer-2017-End-Cap,,cat,bikini,sun bathing,,,Anthropomorphic,human like,,Stock Photos,stock photos,stock images,stock imagery,,cardslt,,Paper Product Licensable Images,