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Man Sitting In A Tree Out On A Limb

Image ID# 847

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Photo of a man sitting on a branch, literally out on a limb

Picture of a Man Sitting In A Tree Out On A Limb Showing Risk, Danger, Vulnerability and Even Short sighted foolishness

Photo of a man sitting on a branch, literally out on a limb. The man is wearing business attire indicating business risks. Picture of a businessman sitting in a tree. Cloudy blue sky. Business Man Out On A Limb Concept Stock Photograph And Metaphor For Over extending, Danger, And Risk.

A business man sits out on a limb of a stark tree with a cloudy sky. This image is a concept stock photograph that explores the ideas of risk, challenge, over extension, danger, foolishness, and insurance needs. This image can be licensed as a stock photo from Blend Images, an agency that specializes in business and lifestyle images with ethnic models. The model in this image is Hispanic. This photograph works well both large and in thumbnail size with a quick and clear message. The cliche nature of the image actually helps it become more effective. A viewer immediately understands there is a danger involved and instinctively wants to know what that danger is driving them to read the ad copy.

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