,all,fawn,deer,girl,girls,nature,conservation,love,gentleness,ecology,animal,animals,ideas,idea,,people,woman,women,,face,faces,women,environment,environmental,happy,teenager,824,Fawn-nuzzling-girl-nature.jpg,Photo-Fawn-nuzzling-girl-nature.jpg,wildlife,cute,lund,photo,photos,pic,pics,image,images,photograph,photographs,pix,picture,pictures,,Animals,animal,,Animal themes,,Animal Stock Photos,
Image ID# 824
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageStock photo of a spotted fawn nuzzling a young teen girl in the great outdoors in a image that shows innocence and harmony with the wild. Pictures of deer with human. Picture of a girl rubbing noses with an adorable fawn in nature. A girl rubs noses with a fawn in this image from a collection of concept stock photos. Cute baby deer rubbing noses with a blond lady. Pictures of deer.
This concept stock photo of a fawn nuzzling a young girl can be used to illustrate outdoor themes, nature issues, and ecological concerns. This picture shows a link between man and nature and portrays the symbiotic connection between the two. The image also speaks of gentleness, innocence, awareness, caring and love.
The image was created when I had the opportunity to photograph the fawn in my studio. The animal trainer who had brought some cats and dogs for one of my animal antics projects was caring for the fawn and brought the young deer with her so she could continue her regular feedings. We let the young fawn wander around the studio. At one point the fawn approached one of my young models and they began to touch noses. I had my camera in hand so I grabbed some shots. Later I used Photoshop to add in an out-of-focus vegetation background.
,all,fawn,deer,girl,girls,nature,conservation,love,gentleness,ecology,animal,animals,ideas,idea,,people,woman,women,,face,faces,women,environment,environmental,happy,teenager,824,Fawn-nuzzling-girl-nature.jpg,Photo-Fawn-nuzzling-girl-nature.jpg,wildlife,cute,lund,photo,photos,pic,pics,image,images,photograph,photographs,pix,picture,pictures,,Animals,animal,,Animal themes,,Animal Stock Photos,