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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,,animal,antics,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,pig,swine,hog,hogs,pigs,lipstick,humor,,Animal antics,animal antics,,,Animal themes,,Animals,,Concepts,,Fun,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Standing Out From The Crowd,,,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,8124,greeting-card-gallery,,,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,available,,Anthropomorphic,human like,,,hp1,,chromazone,

Lipstick On A Pig

Image ID# 8124

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An anthropomorphic pig perfectly illustrated the idiom "lipstick on a pig" in a humorous picture situated in a bathroom featuring a pig wearing a pearl necklace. This is just one of a number of funny pig images we have including a pig riding a motorcycle, a pig at a birthday party, and a pig hogging down a sandwich. We can also create custom pig images to your requirements!

Lipstick On A Pig

The word "lipstick" first began to be used around 1880 and by 1926 was tied to pigs when Charles F. Lummis wrote in the Los Angeles times that "Most of use know as much of history as a pig does of lipsticks."  Eventually the phrase "lipstick on a pig" worked its way into our collection of modern idioms and has come to mean that superficial changes do not fundamentally change the nature of that which is being presented (my own somewhat complex phrasing).

Lipstick, Pigs And Politics

"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig" is a phrase that has recently become somewhat common in politics. The phrase has been used by John McCain and Barack Obama as well as in a book title by  Victoria Clarke, who was Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs under Donald Rumsfeld  when her book about the use of spin in politics came out with the title " Lipstick on a Pig: Winning In the No-Spin Era by Someone Who Knows the Game."

Funny Pig Pictures

We have several funny pig pictures ranging from a hog on a hog (pig riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle) to a pig drinking beer in a bar to this image of a pig having just put on her lipstick and wearing a strand of pearls (pearls before swine?). Humorous animal photos are our speciality, after all!


Keywords Associated With This Image

All,,animal,antics,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,pig,swine,hog,hogs,pigs,lipstick,humor,,Animal antics,animal antics,,,Animal themes,,Animals,,Concepts,,Fun,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Standing Out From The Crowd,,,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,8124,greeting-card-gallery,,,Lipstick-Pig.jpg,available,,Anthropomorphic,human like,,,hp1,,chromazone,