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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,political,tug,of,war,o,tug o war,tug of war,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,s,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,,donkey,donkeys,mule,burros,burrow,mules,rope,cliff,cliffs,fiscal,politics,Democrats,Republicans,conflict,challenge,,Concepts,,Connection,connections,,,Danger,dangers,caution,,,Determination,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Obstacle,,Risk,danger,,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Elephant-Donkey-Tug-Of-War.jpg,8011,,Elephant-Donkey-Tug-Of-War.jpg,Political-Tug-of-War.jpg,pltclhmr,,Political-Tug-of-War.jpg,

Political Tug Of War

Image ID# 8011

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Political Tug Of War

There is no doubt that Republicans and Democrats are engaged in a political tug of war in this image showing a donkey and and elephant roped together as they have a pulling contest with each standing on opposite side of a cliff, a fiscal cliff perhaps? Behind the cliff is a summer sky with light clouds. The sky can be interpreted as optimistic as storm clouds have cleared, or pessimistic if you believe the clouds are a storm coming into the picture.

Political Humor

This political humor image cuts close to the truth in showing and a donkey pulling against and elephant on each side of a steep cliff, the loser headed for a fall! The donkey appears to be holding his own despite the size discrepancy! You can see the strain on their faces as they heave into the rope that attaches them. 

Political Cartoon Photo

This photograph of a political struggle has more impact than a cartoon as we are less accustomed to seeing such a conflict in photo realism! The image has been carefully crafted to work in all formats be they square, horizontal or vertical, and the picture has ample copy space for headlines, text and possible slogans! As neither the elephant nor the donkey can be seen as winning the image can be adapted to whatever advantage either side sees itself having. It is also great for political commentary in editorial uses. Political campaigns of all parties can make use of this image to advertise their issues.

Political Challenges

This is a concept about political challenges, teamwork and the lack of success without said teamwork. It is about putting political and partisan agendas ahead of the good of the country. This is an image urging the political parties to seek common ground to solve the problems and challenges that face our nation. Unfortunately it may also be an image about determination and perseverance as well!

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,political,tug,of,war,o,tug o war,tug of war,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,s,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,,donkey,donkeys,mule,burros,burrow,mules,rope,cliff,cliffs,fiscal,politics,Democrats,Republicans,conflict,challenge,,Concepts,,Connection,connections,,,Danger,dangers,caution,,,Determination,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Obstacle,,Risk,danger,,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Elephant-Donkey-Tug-Of-War.jpg,8011,,Elephant-Donkey-Tug-Of-War.jpg,Political-Tug-of-War.jpg,pltclhmr,,Political-Tug-of-War.jpg,