,all,Adversity,background,Backgrounds,concepts,concept,conceptual,future,idea,ideas,idea,,conservation,conserve,ecology,ecological,environmental,environment,health,healthy,healthiness,Inspiration,Inspirational,,inspirational,inspiring,Green,environmental,conservation,recycling,environment,nature,,World,International,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Water,,johns picks,whats new!,map,world,H2O,liquid,potable,drinking,,,,World-Water,.jpg,7788,DWP,,,
Image ID# 7788
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageWater for the world is the theme of this image featuring a map in which the continents are filled with water. This image is meant to bring attention to issues around clean water, distribution of water, and world wide water issues and concerns. As such it is also an environmental image meant to draw attention to concerns over pollution, water supplies, and water treatment. The image allows for amply copy space and a variety of cropping formats. It is a quick read even at small thumbnail sizes making it ideal for use on the Internet.
Clean water issues are a world wide problem, a problem that is only going to grow in severity. As such we need imagery that can be used to draw attention to the problems and potential solutions of both potable water and water for crops and livestock. Whether we are talking about the health of Salmon populations or diseases of the third world due to contaminated water, the issues are huge and growing. Whether the answer to our water challenges lies in recycling, desalination, or better water management, that answer will not be found without discovering the elephant in the room and bring attention to it. We need images to succeed in bringing water problems and challenges to the forefront of world discussions.
World supplies of water are dwindling, ground aquifers drying up, deserts spreading and rain patterns changing due to global warming. All of these challenges can be highlighted by this photo of a world map in which the continents are shown as clear, blue water. Whether we wish to address problems of drinking water for those under the siege of draughts, or water for recreational purposes, this map can lead the way in our visual representations. This is a photo of conservation and responsible stewardship of the world's water resources.
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