Greeting,cards,Card,Funny,Fun,,Animal,Animals,Pet,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,ous,LOL,Pets,SpringChicken,Spring,chicken,sneakers,jump,sky,fly,all,antics,animal antics,bird,birds,Spring-Chickens.jpg,Spring-Chickens-photo.jpg,768,MBS,silly,lund,pictures,picture,images,image,photo,photos,pic,pics,chickens,,available,Animal antics,antics,,Animal Stock Photos,,Paper Product Licensable Images,
Image ID# 768
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageFunny animal photo of chickens wearing sneakers with springs attached to the soles of their shoes. These are Spring Chickens! White chickens wearing red tennis shoes against the blue partly cloudy sky. Pictures of Spring Chickens Wearing Red Tennis Shoes With Springs Attached Jumping High In the Air. Chickens wear sneakers with springs on them in this funny animal photo. The chickens are wearing bright red tennis shoes and have springs attached to the bottoms of their shoes.
An image for all you spring chickens! This funny animal picture is sure to bring a smile to anyone who sees it whether it is printed on a coffee mug, a journal, an apron or a calendar. It also makes a great humorous stock image.
I used Photoshop to composite this funny chicken picture together. I rented several chickens through the animal training company Bow Wow Productions. I photographed the various parts of chickens keeping in mind the final image which would be used for a greeting card. BTW, I don't recommend bringing chickens into your studio...what a mess!
Greeting,cards,Card,Funny,Fun,,Animal,Animals,Pet,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,ous,LOL,Pets,SpringChicken,Spring,chicken,sneakers,jump,sky,fly,all,antics,animal antics,bird,birds,Spring-Chickens.jpg,Spring-Chickens-photo.jpg,768,MBS,silly,lund,pictures,picture,images,image,photo,photos,pic,pics,chickens,,available,Animal antics,antics,,Animal Stock Photos,,Paper Product Licensable Images,