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Keywords Associated With This Image

,Stock,All,Bird,birds,Dove,Peace,Release,Conceptual,Freedom,liberation,,Escape,The,way,forward,hands,releasing,a,change,ideas,idea,,creativity,concept,concepts,animal,animals,people,johns,picks,whats,new!,Peace-freedom-release-dove.jpg,Peace-freedom-release-dove-photo.jpg,748,lund,pictures,picture,images,image,photo,photos,pic,pics,,,Animal Stock Photos,

Dove Release Picture

Image ID# 748

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Picture of a woman's hands releasing a white dove into the sky

Dove release; a woman's hands release a dove into the sky in a gesture of peace and freedom.

Picture of a woman's hands releasing a white dove into the sky and in front of the sun in an act of peace and freedom. PIcture of dove release. A pair of hands release a dove to freedom in this concept stock photo that finds the dove taking flight in front of the sun. A woman's Hands releasing a white bird into the sunlight and to freedom in a conceptual stock collection. Pair of hands releasing white dove of peace.

A dove is released into the sky by a pair of hands in this concept stock image. The concepts with this image include freedom, peace, success, anticipation and sharing. The image can be licensed as a stock photo through Blend Images, a stock agency specializing in ethnically diverse business and lifestyle photography. Oddly enough, I photographed the dove in Mongolia, and the hands in my studio in Sausalito, California. The Sky was photographed in Marin county, CA. I composited the photo together using Photoshop on Macintosh computers. The image was created for Blend Images and featured a Salvadoran model.

Keywords Associated With This Image

,Stock,All,Bird,birds,Dove,Peace,Release,Conceptual,Freedom,liberation,,Escape,The,way,forward,hands,releasing,a,change,ideas,idea,,creativity,concept,concepts,animal,animals,people,johns,picks,whats,new!,Peace-freedom-release-dove.jpg,Peace-freedom-release-dove-photo.jpg,748,lund,pictures,picture,images,image,photo,photos,pic,pics,,,Animal Stock Photos,