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Keywords Associated With This Image

,all,Adversity,Animal,animals,Animal Themes,Balance,balancing,balancing,challenge,challenging,concepts,concept,conceptual,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,sart,fun,funny,funny pictures,humor,humorous,idea,ideas,idea,,sports,sport,sumo,sumo wrestling,,wrestler,intense,power,strength,strong,Fantasy,fantasies,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Elephant,Elephants,Funny Elephant Pics,Pachyderms,Sumo,Sumo Wrestling,Bizarre,,Mongolian Steppes,Johns Picks,Whats New!,4676,signature,funny animal picture,Lund,,Funny-Elephant-LOL-Photo.jpg,conflict,,registered,,registered,registration

Elephant Photos Funny LOL Pictures of Two Elephanst Sumo Wrestling

Image ID# 4676

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Funny Elephant Picture

Funny Elephant Picture

Funny LOL Elephant Photo of two Pachyderms going head to head in a battle for dominance inside a Sumo wrestling ring.

This Funny LOL elephant photo tops my list of humorous elephant least for the moment! In this bizarre picture of strange and little known elephant ritual and culture, two of the gigantic beasts, wearing the traditional garb of Japanese Sumo Wrestlers, square off in a battle for dominance. Which bull will win? Hopefully this elephant image will stand up the scrutiny of viewers as well as an elephant in the room, my elephant on a tightrope, my disco dancing elephant, and my elephant in a bar. I am getting quite a nice list of funny elephant photos! These silly elephant images can be used to show concepts such as challenge, the impossible, adversity, balance and more.

Funny Elephant Pictures, The Mongolian Steppes, and Photoshop

To create this funny elephant picture I turned to my list of elephant ideas. On that list was an idea for two elephant bulls battling for dominance. I decided to put a humorous spin on it by having the young elephants fighting in a Sumo ring and wearing the traditional Sumo outfit called a Mawashi. Each elephant is composed of about five different photos that I shot at an elephant sanctuary in Thailand. The Mawashi were photographed on a Sumo wrestler that I shot in my Sausalito studio for a humorous series of stock photos ranging from Sumo trapeze to Sumo in the business world. The background for the image was created by merging several photos of the Mongolian Steppes. I added the chalk ring totally in Photoshop.

Elephant Toes, Trunks, Tails, and Ears

When photographing elephants, or any other creatures for that matter, with the idea of creating future Photoshop composites from the parts, it is very important to get a variety of angles of everything from the toes, trunks and ears right on to the tail. You never know which elephant part is suddenly going to be necessary when creating these LOL elephant images. I want to get as much detail as possible into each image to truly satisfy elephant lovers throughout the world. One thing that made my picture taking all the more challenging is that elephants are constantly moving their ears and tails. I can't tell you how many blurred shots I have of the tails and ears. Their trunks are also in constant movement. I was using a relatively slow shutter speed to try and keep as much depth of field as I could, and I was using a 20' x 20' silk to screen the harsh shadows out of the sunlight. The result was much more movement than I would have liked. Oh well, live and learn!

Keywords Associated With This Image

,all,Adversity,Animal,animals,Animal Themes,Balance,balancing,balancing,challenge,challenging,concepts,concept,conceptual,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,,elephant,Elephants,pachiderm,pachiderms,sart,fun,funny,funny pictures,humor,humorous,idea,ideas,idea,,sports,sport,sumo,sumo wrestling,,wrestler,intense,power,strength,strong,Fantasy,fantasies,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Elephant,Elephants,Funny Elephant Pics,Pachyderms,Sumo,Sumo Wrestling,Bizarre,,Mongolian Steppes,Johns Picks,Whats New!,4676,signature,funny animal picture,Lund,,Funny-Elephant-LOL-Photo.jpg,conflict,,registered,,registered,registration