,all,adults,background,Backgrounds,business,change,changing,concepts,concept,conceptual,creativity,creative,ethnic,future,happy,happiness,joy,humor,humorous,idea,ideas,idea,,leadership,leader,people,possibility,possibilities,standing out from the crowd,success,successful,succeed,the way forward,woman,women,,women,African,Africans, American,Americans,America,vision,visions,Inspiration,Inspirational,,inspirational,inspiring,Executives,executive,,executive,Portraits,Achievement,achievements,,achieving,Small Business,businesses,,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Thinking,Thinking outside the box,thinking outside of the box,Office,box,johns picks,Whats new!,Stephanie,Stephanie D Roeser,Stephanie Roeser,Stephanie D. Roeser,4282,Woman-Thinking-Outside-Box.jpg,Woman-Thinking-Outside-Box-Photo.jpg,,,,
Image ID# 4282
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageHow often are we all exhorted to "Think Outside the box"? But how do you show that visually? This stock photo is one answer to that question. In it we see an African American executive woman sitting on top that cardboard box looking out and upwards with a smile as she seeks out those fresh and creative ideas and solutions to the vexing problems that face all of us as individuals and businesses alike. The woman is dressed in business attire and sits in an empty office setting indicating the chance for a new approach, a fresh start with innovative thinking unconstrained by old paradigms, technologies, and convention. Her hair, in an a natural cut further enhances the idea that she is not beholding to old ideas and ways of doing things. She is a great combination of working within the system, but pushing the envelope to include the offbeat, the original and the creative adaptations that will create both business and personal success.
Thinking outside the box when creating stock photos is paramount in today's hyper-competitive business environment. But just how do we do that? It isn't easy, but it is possible. Your mind is like a muscle; Exercise it and it will become stronger. If you work at thinking up innovative ideas, day after day, with discipline and intention, the ideas will come faster and faster, and they will be better and more relevant as well. To create stock photo ideas that are both innovative and relevant, it is extremely important to set the intention to do so. Make it a practice, just like you would go to the gym. Set aside some time each day for precisely that purpose. I like to set the intention of coming up with great ideas for photography for any one of a variety of situations from a walk to the grocery store, to reading the paper, to searching the internet. Then I don't quite until I come up with at least one innovative idea.
This stock photo represents thinking outside the box in business. That it is business oriented is indicated by both the setting, in an office type environment, and in the protagonists' business attire. The business suit and shoes clearly indicate she is at work and not at home. The lack of furnishings in the business office shows that it is time for something new; the old will not do whether it is ideas, paradigms or furnishings. The idea of thinking outside the box is further strengthened by the fact that the business person doing the thinking is not your typical businessman, but a woman of ethnic descent. That she is wearing conservative attire indicates that she can work within the system, but add a new powerful approach from her non-linear thinking and more inclusive thought processes. This stock image is also a flexible and versatile one as it can be cropped horizontally or vertically and has plenty of room within its parameters for Headlines, mastheads and body copy. This image was created by Stephanie Roeser.
,all,adults,background,Backgrounds,business,change,changing,concepts,concept,conceptual,creativity,creative,ethnic,future,happy,happiness,joy,humor,humorous,idea,ideas,idea,,leadership,leader,people,possibility,possibilities,standing out from the crowd,success,successful,succeed,the way forward,woman,women,,women,African,Africans, American,Americans,America,vision,visions,Inspiration,Inspirational,,inspirational,inspiring,Executives,executive,,executive,Portraits,Achievement,achievements,,achieving,Small Business,businesses,,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Thinking,Thinking outside the box,thinking outside of the box,Office,box,johns picks,Whats new!,Stephanie,Stephanie D Roeser,Stephanie Roeser,Stephanie D. Roeser,4282,Woman-Thinking-Outside-Box.jpg,Woman-Thinking-Outside-Box-Photo.jpg,,,,