Image ID# 1093
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageThis stock photo of a human heart was made from a medical model with Photoshop used to add a dynamic vitality indicating a state of health. This stock photo helps fill the need for eye-pleasing images that deal with the health issues surrounding our hearts and circulatory system. As our population ages there will be an ever increasing need for photos of the human heart and other bodily systems. It is particularly difficult to create medical images that can convey heart issues and do so in a visually pleasing way. A balance has to be achieved between realism and aesthetic concerns. Stylized Human Heart Image Stock Photo. A dynamic photo of a human heart (actually a model of a human heart) that indicates vitality and motion and anatomy issues. A Photographic Representation Of A Healthy, Vital and Dynamic Human Heart. A photograph of a model of a human heart shot in a way to portray a state of health and vitality